A quiet morning at our Rumoh Batik Nysakapas

Nysakapas was created by Haniza binti Hisham, also known as Nysa by many "Batiklovers". Brought up in Kuala Lumpur with a background in Architecture and Fashion, she ends up in a little, quiet kampung in Kuala Terengganu called Kampung Serada, and fell in love with the beauty of "Kampung" lifestyle. 

One of the most remarkable thing that caught her attention was how much the "Terengganu" people loved "Batik". Men, women and children, young and old, everyone had a thing for it and wore Batik as an everyday-life attire. Terengganu Batik is all about colours, unusual motifs - a cloth that speaks about the culture of Terengganu.Curious about the Traditional Art form, Haniza spends most of her time staring at batiks and gathering as much knowledge about it's unique handmade process.

IMG_20221123_100539Batik Pepulut from Hias 2022 Batik Collection

DSCF7904Kain Batik Sarong from Hias 2022 Batik Collection

DSCF8071.JPGHaniza Hisham, founder of Nysakapas

In 2015, Haniza began experimenting batikmaking at home with her little children in a wooden kitchen. These were the best moments of pure joy and happiness. After almost a year of developing ideas and designs, Nysakapas was created in 2017, a Traditional Handmade Batik Company with huge dreams in bringing "new" meaning to the art.

Haniza taught her very own artisans, young and strong, ready to make batiks of great craftsmanship. The learning process took many years to overcome and slowly Nysakapas gained so much love from Batiklovers from all over the world. 

It's 2022, Nysakapas is still standing strong to sustain the art of making Batiks the traditional way, the Malaysian way of ancient, textile printing.

We hope that we can create more awareness with the beautiful craft that we make for a living. Traditional Handmade Batiks is about true beauty that lies in the heart of it's people and natural surroundings.


Kampung Serada, Terengganu, 
